Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Apple Cup

The Apple Cup that was made in the Hans Krug workshop is absolutely amazing. It is made of silver-gilt. It is elaborate and has such fine details. It is just breathtaking. It took about five years to make and it eight and a half inches high. It is currently in Nuremberg.


  1. This piece is very magnificent how it was gilded entirely of silver. I really like the way the bottom of the cup is built up with vines, leaves, and stems then it builds up to the handle being a branch going up to the apple. The apple is supported by more branches. I think that the shape of the apple looks a little inaccurate though because it looks more like a hothouse tomato to me. But the apple could possibly be a macintosh or a stayman because of its rounder and wider shape. The piece shows a sign of elegance and wealth because of its gold like shine. I could not see people using this cup that often at all because it is way too fancy. It is kind of odd that it took 5 years to do this piece though. Overall I like this piece.

    1. Now that you mention it, all I can see is a tomato!

  2. I would certainly like to know more about this piece. What do you think it was used for? Does the top open? What types of things were served in it?
    What do you think about the up-reaching arms of the base? How is that juxtaposed with the roundness of the apple itself?

  3. I cant believe it took five years to make this. Was it carved? My favorite part is the vines, leaves, and flowers that lead up to the apple. This looks like it could have been a cup with a lid, or an odd cookie jar. This piece is graceful in the way that the leaves and flowers wind up to hold the apple.

  4. I'm amazed at how long this took to make too, its cool how the smoothness of the apple stands out against the textured stand. one things for sure it's definately the coolest cup ive seen all day...

  5. Well, i believe if you want to make art, it's all about quality over quantity, and i understand that art takes a while to create, unless you are ridiculously skilled and work your magic everyday. even though this seems so simple, the intricate details around the leaves and vines give it that lovely delicate balance. something about this keeps reminding me about the apple that eve ate, maybe it IS the apple; either way it gives it that godly/important feel since it is silver that looks gold . i would love to have this in my house, since it feels so fancy~
